My official diagnosis: stress fracture of the hip at the point of the lesser trochanter along with inflammation of iliopsoas. The good news is that the MRI showed signs that it is in fact healing. But, I'm not allowed to do any running and jumping until I feel absolutely nothing in my groin. This will probably be 2-3 weeks and I should be back running normal in 4 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed that my body keeps healing as I learn to be patient. It has been an interesting 6 weeks so far...
- I got a cat. Her name is Sibley. She is awesome.
- I started studying to become a Lactation Consultant.
- I've made 3 paintings.
- Pool running and swimming have become essential. 2+ hours of pool running are probably a bit excessive, but so what.
- I got 8 new pairs of running shoes in mail. I can't wait to actually wear them on the trails and not just stare at them in the boxes.
- I've learned that sometimes you have to surrender to your body.
- 2 months now is nothing if it means running longer throughout my life.
- I realized I'm weaker than I thought.
- I realized I'm tougher than I thought.
- I'm incredibly grateful for the support of my boyfriend, family, friends, and sponsors.
- You can't always run from things, but sit-ups and pilates can be a temporary fix.
- Calcium and Vitamin C are essential!
- Sleeping a lot is great and even better when you have a cute cat to keep you company.
- Caffeine consumption has stopped. Ok I'll still have some tea.
- I love running, but my body is a critical component. It comes first and I need to listen to it.
- I can't believe how I could convince myself that it "didn't hurt that bad" or "it isn't really pain"... in retrospect... that shit hurt. At least the first few days post TRR. Muscle spasms that wake you up at night = not good.
- As badly as I wanted to listen to everyone who said, "it isn't a stress fracture." I should have listened to my gut.
- Broccoli is my favorite veggie and I should eat even more of it.
- Discovering new things about yourself are essential.
- Slowing down stinks, but it has taught be that I'm not invincible.
- I am really grateful even when I'm sad and bummed out.
Ok, off to the pool for some more aqua jogging... whooohooo!
Glad you got the MRI. The other stuff has a large BS quotient. Now that you know wuz up, you can get on a clear healing track. It only feels like a long tunnel when you don't know how long it is.
That's some serious pool running. Bike? Or you've decided to practice Zen at the same time?
Hi Caitlin. Glad you got the MRI. I was dismissed by two doctors before I got the MRI. I walked around on a fracture which I nearly completed until I could no longer bear weight on it. The pain was so intense that I would shake then pass out. Anyway, it took 3 months of non-weightbearing (crutches and wheelchair) then another 3 months of therapy before I could walk let alone run. I also developed a DVT which slowed the process. I have had hip pain for 16 months now and a lot of it is the whole illiopsoas complex and a weak TFL. My whole right side atrophied. I hope your recovery is quick. Don't mess with this. I could not even lift weights. Nothing. Had to sit in a chair for months. No pool running. Basic hygine was impossible without help. Sounds like your case may be less severe so PLEASE LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR AND REST or you will face the same issues I faced. I'm still upset that the doctors didn't listen to me in the beginning. Would have saved me months worth of rotting in a chair. Take care of yourself. You will get through this. I have some wonderful therapists working with me and above all, I have the support of my family and my running friends. They made sure that I got out of that chair and didn't continue to rot. I'm in a good place now.
It's great to hear that you know what it is and that you're on the road to recovery!!! Get all the rest you need and come back healthy, happy and whole!
All Day!
Hi Caitlin,
I wanted to send you a message in hopes I could help you the way you and your blog and photography have helped me.
How did you help me? you may ask yourself. Well, After dealing with cancer and the associated chemotherapy, I was very bummed that my fitness level was not returning as fast as I had hoped. That is when I stumbled across some of your photography which led me to this wonderful blog. I was very pleased to see you won an ultra in my hometown of Pacifica...etc. Your trials and adventures have helped motivate me to run(hoping to become more consistent) and finding a glimmer of my glory days.
Keep your head up and persevere. The effort you put in today (be it Pilates or pool running) will help you and will pull, who knows how many more, along with you.
May your pool be warm and the wind at your back,
Sorry to hear about the stress fracture. You might get your vitamin D status checked (we tend to be chronically deficient). I supplement with vitamin D and K2 (helps bring calcium in and keep it where it belongs).
Sounds like you've got your recovery exercise plans well thought out. Good luck, and hope to see you out there again soon!
"I've realized I'm tougher than I thought." I love this.
Wed I was diagnosed with a hip fracture (femoral neck). I am 2 days out from the Denver Marathon. I know you feel my pain. It is inspiring to read what you are doing with your recovery. I'll visit back often!!
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