I meant to update my blog before the race was over, but so it goes. I arrived at the Frankfurt airport to meet Mike Smith (male overall winner from Transrockies), his girlfriend Leea, and David (Gore marketer) who was kind enough to drive us to Dortmund (2hrs north). Everyone passed out in the car while with the exception of David. We spent the day resting and in the evening met a few folks from Plan B, the organization that was putting on the event. The next day, I slept and then Mike and I got to go interview with the local newspaper and pick up our race stuff.
On November 6th, we had our first race of three, a 5.1k. I was so nervous for this race (super crazy anxiety dream the night before, that’s how nervous I was), especially as they had me starting #5, right behind Mike (a 2:19 marathoner!). Anyhow I rolled with it, but 20:12 was the best I could manage, which put me in fourth place. The course was a bit like running through a construction site and my descriptions really won’t give it justice. There was a rope for the first steep, short climb a couple minutes into the race. We had a pasta party that followed and again sleep was on the agenda. At 2 am, my body decided sleep was not on the agenda and I spent 3 hours wide-awake. I tried not to stress and just knew it was my body trying to adjust to the time change.

Day two, November 7th, a 35.2k on slightly muddy, leaf covered trails… yay! Before the race, I was told my picture had appeared in the German newspaper. Sure enough there was me at the start of the 5k. Ok so back to the race, I was eager to run a distance I preferred. The 5k was way too short and it seemed to just irritate my left quad and leave me wanting to run more. I ran the 35k somewhat comfortably and tried to just smile, enjoy my surrounding, and take in the fact that I was in Germany!!! I finished in 2:38, which moved me up to second place. Unfortunately, my quad grew a bit unhappier with the running, but sometimes this is how it goes. The evening involved another pasta party, good German beer, which followed with another random wake-up call at 2 am and a few hours of lying awake. This time I was more aware of my quad in those morning hours, but I just tried to think positively.
Day three, November 8th, I woke-up a bit worried, but just reminded myself it was the last day and that it was only a 20.5k. I knew my body would hold up if I could stay relaxed and breathe. Unfortunately, my typical jumping at the start line didn’t prove possible, but my smile was still there. My left leg did hold up and I finished in 1:30, which kept me with an overall second place finish. I finished behind Luminita Zaituc. She is an inspiration. I hope to be out running marathons and trails as quickly as her someday (fingers crossed).
I am writing this from a hotel in Frankfurt. I fly back to the US tomorrow. Time has gone by way too fast. It was such a great opportunity to come here and take part in this event (thanks to Bernard for putting out the invite). Thanks to everyone that helped in the event and took part as well. People were so kind and I apologize for knowing zero German. Next time I come back, I’ll at least have the basics! Danke!

(Me with 1st place, Luminita_Zaituc and 3rd Silvia Balbach)

(Me with the French boys, Martin and Ed, and Mike, who ended up winning!!! Whoohooo!!!)

(Me and Stephan aka Gripmaster)
You're having an awesome season Caitlin, congrats!!
Way too go rockstar. So proud of you! Way to roll with the punches and bring home a great placing (and money I am sure!). Awesome!
Congrats Caitlin !! Sounded like a blast and way to dig! I like the hat look on the podium :-)
Great job! U are becoming a good racer, can't wait to see what the future holds for u.
Catlin; Congrats nice running over in Deutschland!
Take care of that quad now...
arrgh we look like a 40 years married couple who have nothing to say to each other... so not true! or are we both just preparing the next topic?
hope you had a good trip home, and see you next year at transalpine!!
follow the gripmaster...
Caitlin, you are such a bad ass. Big congrats on another good one.
Great race, Caitlin...you rocked it!
I just realized-- earlier in the Rockies an altitude handicap, over in Europe a jet lag handicap. So awesome.
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