On Wednesday, I was chatting with Will and I was a tad bit on the negative side. I don't remember my exact words, but basically I was like fuck it, I am not going to even race any more. But, in my head I was thinking, I really want to fucking run and I want this irritating injury to leave. Anyway I calmed down and basically came to the conclusion that my butt was going to feel better in the morning and I was going to run Squaw on Saturday. Luckily when I woke-up Thursday that was the case. After the whole yoga bullshit, I had to run and I ran fast without pain. I was confident that I was getting past the injury, but of course there was an element of fear. On Friday, I was aware that my butt was a bit annoyed, but not like it had been. So, I woke-up at 3:30 am and Will and I headed off to Tahoe by 4 am. I conked out quickly in the car and around 6 am woke-up to get some caffeine and eat a little. I was nervous. Not only cause my ass, but because I hadn't raced 3.6 miles since high school.
For the first time in my life, I warmed-up for more than 10 minutes. I felt great. I was eager to run and excited that my body was there to support my love of running too. As I jogged/walked around for close to 30 minutes, I felt the same heart pounding that I felt at Barr, but I didn't care 'cause I could run! When we started, I just did what I love to do, climb hills! I kept a consistent pace and decided to just stay close to Mark Lantz. My breathing was a bit heavy, but I just breathed a lot just like Buzz had suggested. I felt strong, confident, and happy. About 2 miles up the climb, I looked back and there were no women in sight. I saw Will climbing, which was a relief too as I wasn't sure how he was fairing with his injury. I just settled in and smiled the rest of the way up. I can run is all I kept thinking and I was one happy camper.
I didn't want to stop running, fuck 3.6 miles is a warm-up, so a few of us, including La Sportiva athlete Jason Bryant jogged a little more. Of course I still wanted to run, but instead opted for a free beer, presence at the awards ceremony, and then a cool down back down to the base of Squaw. Then we headed back to the bay.
So two bowls of cereal and 16 miles later this morning, I am feeling pretty damn good. Glad to be back! Looks like this weekend might be a bit crazy. I talked to Jason at Squaw and he mentioned he would be running both Jupiter Peak and Haulin' Aspen Half. Looks like I'll be joining in that venture, which means I'll fly to Utah on Friday, race 16 on Saturday, drive with him to Oregon, race 13 on Sunday, drive back to Utah, and fly back to the bay Monday... yikes! But, my thoughts, good training for Transrockies, which is quickly approaching... yay! Did I mention I love to run?
Oh, and results from Squaw are here!
Sierra Sun Report
irunfar post
Nice job lady. Glad you got your groove back.
Nice job. You sound great! Aren't uphill races fun? You finish on such a high note (heh).
I was impressed that Jason pulled off the W ... his uphill is excellent this year. Great news you're traveling together.
Congrats on the win but more so on the kick ass attitude. Tear it up.
Great race, Caitlin. See you in Park City in a couple days.
NIce work at Squaw! La Sportiva will be represented well at Jupiter - see ya'll there.
Great job Caitlin. Nice to meet you at the race! I hope this weekend went as well for you, and that the injury continues to heal.
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